Don’t just satisfy your guest’s WiFi needs, Attract new guests when your WiFi is excellent

By: Leo GanleyJune 18, 2021

Leo Ganley

Leo Ganley

Leo Ganley joined CheckBox in 2009 providing sales and support to customers across the U.S.

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Millennials and Gen-X campers have now become the largest demographic of campers in 2021, PASSING Baby Boomers in numbers in 2020.  Here is what the members of that demographic say they are looking for at a campsite: “WiFi would be the biggest thing for me.”  “When I’m working, WiFi and a place to sit down away from the rig is the most important.”  “Strong WiFi is really vital for me.”

It is time to stop considering your guest’s WiFi needs as just another amenity or utility.  Potential visitors are reading on-line reviews, and they are choosing to spend their vacation dollars at a destination that is known for offering excellent WiFi connectivity.  Stop thinking about WiFi as just another thing that you have to deal with, but instead as a key attribute of your park that attracts visitors.

According to Business Insider, a recent study from RVshare shows 73% of millennial campers are likely to have to work while camping in their RV this year.  Poor WiFi was the biggest deal breaker mentioned in surveys, reflecting how guests must be able to work remotely.  Travelocity says that 44 percent of people WILL NOT visit a property with bad WiFi reviews, making WiFi their most important concern.

With the average guest connecting to WiFi within 7 minutes of arriving, customer surveys consistently put WiFi as MORE IMPORTANT than: restaurant/food service, camp store, dog park, paved roads & sites, showers & restrooms, fire pits, hiking trails, and even TREES!!  There are some things that you would LIKE to do to make life nicer for your campers, and there some things that you MUST do for your campers.

Invest in your WiFi because it is a crucial factor in attracting and retaining new guests to grow your business!

Poor WiFi was the biggest deal breaker mentioned in surveys, reflecting how guests must be able to work remotely.

 Building Better WiFi

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